Hi, I'm

Kash Patel

Fullstack (MERN) Web Developer

a fullstack web developer based in Sydney.

I am passionate in creating beautiful and user friendly websites while writting clean code

....Please check out some of my works below :)



Blockchain Expo

Description :This is my second freelancing projects I developed for Greenex Crypto. The concept of this project is classy minimalist looks. This project is responsive in all devices.

Techonology : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5

Workday Scheduler

Description :
A simple workday scheduler using bootstrap and Jquery. Created a workday scheduler using bootstrap, Jquery. Used moment.js. Colour coded the hourly blocks depending on whether its the current hour or its already past or is in the future, used local storage to save the entries in the scheduler.

Techonology : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5, Jquery

Greenex Crypto

Description :This is my first freelancing project I developed for Greenex Crypto. I used the dark theme for this project as requested by the client. This project is responsive in all devices.

Techonology : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap5

Weather Dashboard

Description : A Simple Weather Dashboard displaying Current Weather details and a five day forecast using open weather API. I have added clear history feature as well.

Techonology : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, API


Description :This is a a CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well. This app follows the MVC paradigm in its architectural structure, using Handlebars.js as the templating language, Sequelize as the ORM and the express-session npm package for authentication.

Techonology : nodeJs, express-session, bcrypt, Sequelize, heroku

Shopaholic Ecommerce Website

Description :This is my final project building an ecommerce app (MERN STACK) which has several features such as shopping cart, admin dashboard, displaying products. Users can also choose the quantity to add and the total amount would get updated in the shopping cart section. This project is responsive in all devices.

Techonology :JavaScript, MaterialUI, React, MongoDB and Rest API, NodeJs, ExpressJs, JWT Token


I'm a professional, driven, with a unique blend of experience in digital sales, private health fund, customer services and programming who loves problem solving and being creative.

I'm constantly evolving, learning, and growing so you can expect that working with me is going to be fun.
I'm also a people person who can't let a day go by without having a cup of coffee.

Whether you require my freelancing services or hiring me as a fulltime employee, please feel free to contact me anytime.


Kash Patel